Domitron's Stories Wikia

In the right corridOr, the one that StewaRd haD lEd the tunnel seemed to neveR end, wIth every Step they took the end appeAred to be farther away, everybody, mostly PoLi felt like faInting, the place had a viVidly wEird feeling.

"Guys, I think we're being watched." Peace whimpered.

"I feel it too, like there are eyes all around us." Steward added.

Suddenly a light turned on, revealing that they were no longer in a corridor, they were in a room that looked like a torture chamber that you'd see in a horror movie.

"Guys... Where the heck are we??" Rat asked.

They looked all around the room, there was a coffin with metal spikes, a Frankenstein styled table that had what appeared to be 2 foot long nails on it, and several other torture devices.

"Guys, I don't know if you noticed, but where's the corridor we came here from, and what might be our only exit?" Poli asked.

Steward then saw where they came from, but it was blocked by metal bars.

"Well that's just great, we have no way to get out of here now, and I'm pretty sure we are all going to DIE." Steward said.

"What about the others? I'm really worried about them, what if we are separated from them forever?" Becky asked.

"Yeah... Who knows what may have happened to them by now." Steward agreed.

Suddenly the lights turned off, everyone started to panic.

They turned back on, now the place was lit by a dim green light... And a voice came on some sort of intercom.

"Hello there my guests, I am your host, and I'd just like to know, do you really want to live? If so, then you must listen to me, I have injected you all with a deadly disease that is slowly killing you as we speak, you have 1 hour to find the bottle containing the antidote, and if you fail... Well you'll see." A demonic voice said.


There was no response.

"Poli, don't, he won't respond to us, anyways guys, we need to find that antidote!" Steward told him.

Then they heard a noise in what appeared to be the closet.

"Did you guys hear that?" Steward asked.

"UHHH, it was probably just a rat! Please don't check in there..." Becky told him.

Just before Steward could, Poli went infront of Steward and threw the closet door open.

"ITS YOU?" Poli yelled in shock.

"What the?" Steward questioned.

"It can't be!" Becky yelled.

"How is this possible?" Peace asked.

"How? Just how?" RatGirl screamed.

To be continued...
